FUTURA gallery: 4 Liquids, Blood, Ink, Water and Petrol with flash, Photography, 2008-2018
FUTURA gallery: Continuity Girl Corruption, Etablissements d'en face, Brussels, 2018
FUTURA gallery: Dust The Keyboard, performance, CCA, Ujazdowski, 2015
FUTURA gallery: Reproduction of a shelf (like a negative) in Sour Tits, CCF, Beirut, 2013
FUTURA gallery: Submarine, video-exhibition view, Beirut Art Center, 2012
FUTURA gallery: Tyres Totem, photography, 2013
FUTURA gallery: Unbolted Bus Shelter, Photography, 2010
FUTURA gallery: Why did you take my watch, Presse-Image-Temps, installation view, De La Charge, Brussels, 2014
FUTURA gallery: Why did you take my watch Street installation view, De La Charge, Brussels, 2014