FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, The Morning I killed I fly, exhibition view at Galleria Mazzoli Modena.
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Fantômes de la musique, 2016, painted plaster, level, hearing, two earphones, 250 x 250 x 40 cm
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Satelliti, 2017, still video full HD, color, sound, 3.10 min, ed 2+pa.
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Anosmie, 2016, white marble, resin, archive foto, environmental dimension, detail
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Midolla, 2017, gelatin silver process from negative glass on white marble of Carrara, 240 x 30 x 2 cm
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Misura di prevenzione, 2017, detail.
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Misura di prevenzione, 2017, glass, water, steel, silicon rubber, environmental dimensions. Exhibition view at History Museum of Psychiatry, Reggio Emilia
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Remember Repeat Rework, archive photos, 38 x 33 cm each
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Promeneur, 2016, iron, spy mirror, supports of legs, photo, 180 x 60 x 100 cm
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Griffe, 2016, white marble, iron, 110 x 12 x 12 cm
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Le Monde du Ticqueur, 2016, exhibition view at Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris.
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Remember Repeat Rework, archive photos, lithium, exhibition view at Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris.
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Remember Repeat Rework, archive photos, lithium, detail
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, Phantom models II Moscow, exhibition view at Trekhgornaya Manufaktura, NCCA | National Center for Contemporary Art, MMOMA | Moscow Museum of Modern Art
FUTURA gallery: Christian Fogarolli, 2015, Phantom model of Prof. Chr. Aeby I, Amsterdam. Exhibition view at de Appel arts centre, 2015, Amsterdam.