Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Map by Forest Hills Gardens Corporation, showing Forest Hills Gardens, Stafford Lawns, Van Court
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Remsen Farmhouse in 1923, demolished 1925 & land sold with exception of Remsen Cemetery, Forest Hills, NY
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Bohack Salutes Forest Hills, 97-15 Metropolitan Ave, Bohack News with community description, Jun 15, 1954
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Stafford Pharmacy 96-11 69th Ave Stafford Ave between Groton & Harrow St, & Stafford Food Shop Delicatessen, Forest Hills, NY erected 1938
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Parkside LIRR Station opened 1927 Rockaway Line, Glendale cutoff
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Wolosoff family, Forest Hills, NY
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Joan Wolosoff Plights Troth newspaper article
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Stafford Lawns, Wolosoff District Tour, Sept 28, 1997
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: The Gardens Club & The Albert Inn, Forest Hills, NY
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: St Paul's Church, Forest Hills, NY in Queens Post
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Stafford Lawns Homes by Wolosoff Brothers for 1932, Forest Hills, NY Booklet Cover
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Stafford Lawns Homes by Wolosoff Brothers for 1932, Forest Hills, NY Booklet Insert, Renderings, Features, Map
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Stafford Lawns Homes by Wolosoff Brothers for 1932, Forest Hills, NY Booklet Blueprints & Features
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Stafford Lawns Homes by Wolosoff Brothers for 1932, Forest Hills, NY Booklet Prices & Terms on back