Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Left to Right: Corn Exchange Bank now Boston Market, 106-24 Continental Ave/71-02 Austin St & LIRR Forest Hills Station
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Original PS 3 at Seminole Ave, now 108-55 69th Ave, Forest Hills, NY
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Tudor commercial building 107-02 Continental Ave, Forest Hills, NY, & Birdseye view of Continental Ave & LIRR, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Gardens Station Square LIRR & Forest Hils Train Station Postcard, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Tudor commercial building, 107-02 Continental Ave, Forest Hills, NY, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Tudor commercial building, 107-02 Continental Ave, Forest Hills, NY, & LIRR Forest Hills Train Station, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Gardens Station Square LIRR & Forest Hils Train Station Postcard, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn Tea Garden Postcard, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Cord Meyer Development Real Estate Office on right, Queens Blvd Postcard, Courtesy of Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Continental Ave at intersection of Austin St towards Queens Blvd, Tudor commercial building 107-02 Continental Ave on right, Forest Hills Theatre on mid-block right 107-16 Continental Ave, Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Lexington Apartments, 68-10 108th St, Forest Hills, NY, Courtesy of the Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Livingston Apartments, 68-60 108th St, Forest Hills, NY, Postcard courtesy of the Bob Stonehill Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Austin Street Birdseye View Facing East from Continental Ave Postcard circa Early 1940s, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills LIRR Station at Station Square circa 1914 Forest Hills Gardens, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: North Side Queens Blvd Apt Houses Facing West Early 1940s, Left to Right: The Warrenton & The Hampton, 109-20 71st Rd & 109-05 72nd Ave, and The Carlton House, 109-15 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection.
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills, NY Birdseye View of Austin St & LIRR Forest Hills Station Facing East, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection, Foreground: Tudor commercial building 107-02 Continental Ave & behind is 71-21 to 71-27 Austin St, Forest Hills, NY
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn, Station Square, Forest Hills Gardens, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn, Station Square, Forest Hills Gardens, NY Postcard Circa Early 1950s, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Windsor Place from Austin St facing Queens Blvd, Forest Hills, NY Postcard, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Entrance to LIRR Forest Hills Station in Station Square Across from Forest Hills Inn, Forest Hills Gardens, NY, Circa Late Teens, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Birdseye View of Forest Hills, NY Circa 1910-1915 with LIRR & Austin St in Foreground & Queens Blvd & Cord Meyer Section in Background, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: First Presbyterian Church of Forest Hills, Originally Union Church of Forest Hills, 70-35 112th St, Forest Hills, NY Postcard Circa 1933, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Station Square 1928 from Forest Hills Board of Trade Ad
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn Patio, Garden & Restaurant, Forest Hills Gardens, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn from Greenway Terrace, Forest Hills Gardens, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn 1966 Postcard Back, Forest Hills Gardens, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn New Hotel Ad Circa 1909, Forest Hills Gardens, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection
Rego-Forest Preservation Council: Forest Hills Inn Patio, Garden & Restaurant Postcard back, Forest Hills Gardens, Forest Hills, NY, Michael Perlman Postcard Collection