peggyskng: reflected clouds
peggyskng: mountain lake
peggyskng: Hatcher Pass, Alaska
peggyskng: Summit Lakes - Hatcher Pass, Alaska
peggyskng: Turnagain Arm, Alaska
peggyskng: more stacked glass bowls
peggyskng: stacked
peggyskng: broken glass
peggyskng: books
peggyskng: still water reflection
peggyskng: palms reflected
peggyskng: palm frond floating
peggyskng: swamp
peggyskng: spiral1
peggyskng: candle
peggyskng: living room reflected in wine glass
peggyskng: flame 2
peggyskng: reflection on granite
peggyskng: watching
peggyskng: angles
peggyskng: bent
peggyskng: inside of a half-empty wine bottle
peggyskng: smoking fingers
peggyskng: reflection of bottle
peggyskng: reflection of reflection etc
peggyskng: drips
peggyskng: reflection of a festival
peggyskng: car show