My Madeleine: on our way to Badia a Coltibuono
My Madeleine: wild blackberries
My Madeleine: picking berries
My Madeleine: charley
My Madeleine: budino di riso
My Madeleine: shoe; dog that belonged to the owner of the inn and almost ran away a million times on this walk
My Madeleine: the gloaming
My Madeleine: near siena
My Madeleine: cypress
My Madeleine: fields
My Madeleine: on an afternoon walk
My Madeleine: olive, on the tree
My Madeleine: picnic
My Madeleine: still life, I
My Madeleine: still life, II
My Madeleine: still life, III
My Madeleine: still life, IV
My Madeleine: still life, V
My Madeleine: still life, VI
My Madeleine: still life, VII
My Madeleine: montefalco
My Madeleine: peach; table
My Madeleine: innards
My Madeleine: salami
My Madeleine: picnic, umbria
My Madeleine: stormy
My Madeleine: raccolta tartufi