Katie Quinney: It may be raining but we are going #weekending #vw #vwvan #kombi #camping #lifeinavan
Katie Quinney: Hello Friday #weekending #traffic #vwvan #ontheroad #auckland
Katie Quinney: There we go #ontheroad #vw #vwvan #lifeinavan #roadtrip #weekending
Katie Quinney: And we're here #weekending #bubbles #birthday #bythesea #beach
Katie Quinney: Yes, that's the sea. #perfectplace #weekending #vwvan #van #camping #hahei #lifeinavan #bythesea
Katie Quinney: First swim of the summer #beach #bythesea #weekendscollected #weekending #beachlife #hahei
Katie Quinney: Hands of time #together
Katie Quinney: Lounging on a Saturday afternoon. Laying in the van, looking at the sea #lifeinavan #vw #van #weekending #afternoonnap
Katie Quinney: Lounging in the van. The back open, the bed up, lying, looking and listening to the sea. #vw #van #lifeinavan #weekending #bythesea
Katie Quinney: From a few weeks ago and our weekend at Hahei. We did of course walk to Cathedral Cove. It was a contemplative time. The first time I stood on this beach it was the one year anniversary of my grandmother dying, the last time I visited I stood with my moth
Katie Quinney: Special place #bythesea #family #weekending