sophia22: morning
sophia22: breakfast
sophia22: breakfast
sophia22: 運床單床
sophia22: carving
sophia22: 西柵大街
sophia22: 舞龍舞獅
sophia22: 踩高蹺
sophia22: peek
sophia22: 爆米香
sophia22: 藥局
sophia22: 烏鎮
sophia22: 遊船河
sophia22: 迎親船
sophia22: 迎親船
sophia22: 西市河
sophia22: my room
sophia22: the couple
sophia22: on the boat
sophia22: 藍妮
sophia22: the couple
sophia22: W/ 藍妮
sophia22: W/ 藍妮
sophia22: 西市河
sophia22: 鳥船
sophia22: 加油船
sophia22: 西市河
sophia22: 過橋
sophia22: cantilever stairs
sophia22: CIMG3411