sophia22: E train
sophia22: Ground Zero
sophia22: the future
sophia22: future path station
sophia22: Ground Zero
sophia22: surrounding
sophia22: tall buildings
sophia22: the corridor
sophia22: financial center
sophia22: winter
sophia22: Winter Garden
sophia22: Piggy in Winter Garden
sophia22: Piggy in Winter Garden
sophia22: 我也來當觀光客
sophia22: the pier
sophia22: the pier
sophia22: 路人
sophia22: 左邊的雕塑真像101
sophia22: 小豬說這裡像威尼斯
sophia22: 路人
sophia22: winter
sophia22: Hudson River
sophia22: Battery Pary City
sophia22: PC270378
sophia22: Winter
sophia22: 牌樓
sophia22: 胖海鷗
sophia22: 胖海鷗
sophia22: 自由女神像
sophia22: Battery Pary