SouthJerseyDevil: Our Greyhound Abbie resting in the shade
SouthJerseyDevil: Our Greyhound Abbie resting in the shade
SouthJerseyDevil: Hanging out in the shade looking up!
SouthJerseyDevil: Hanging out in the shade looking up!
SouthJerseyDevil: The Spectacular Raffle Table & GFNJ Merchandise tables
SouthJerseyDevil: My handmade metal Greyhound silhouette
SouthJerseyDevil: Some Greyhounds looking for thier "forever home"
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ picnic view
SouthJerseyDevil: Our Greyhound Abbie meets her "twin" Holly (on the left)
SouthJerseyDevil: Our Greyhound Abbie meets her "twin" Holly (on the left)
SouthJerseyDevil: Our Greyhound Abbie meets her "twin" Holly (on the left)
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ 27th. Birthday cake
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ 27th. Birthday cake
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ picnic dessert table
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ picnic lunch table
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ picnic grounds
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ "pin the tail on the hound" game
SouthJerseyDevil: GFNJ "pin the tail on the hound" game
SouthJerseyDevil: "Greyhound Friends of New Jersey" banner
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)
SouthJerseyDevil: Greys enjoying the picnic :-)