hbzso: Lake of Thun
hbzso: Gürbental
hbzso: Heading towards Gerzensee
hbzso: Near Ochsen
hbzso: Schwarzsee
hbzso: Cirrus
hbzso: Waiting for the next take-off
hbzso: Waiting for the next take-off
hbzso: Back view
hbzso: Who's bigger? An ant or the R22?
hbzso: Turning off
hbzso: Fribourg
hbzso: Simply nice
hbzso: Heading to Fribourg
hbzso: Cyclic
hbzso: Cows
hbzso: Stalker
hbzso: Gerzensee
hbzso: HB-ZGO ready for next take off
hbzso: Taking a break
hbzso: Lake of Thun
hbzso: Simply nice!
hbzso: Schwarzsee