kirk loves spock: Kirk\Spock ~ Moon kiss
kirk loves spock: "Spock, i want to meld with you"
kirk loves spock: Kirk\Spock ~ Ears in question
kirk loves spock: Kirk's impatience2
kirk loves spock: Kirk's impatience1
kirk loves spock: Possibly the first slash pairing according to Wiki
kirk loves spock: "My mind to your mind"
kirk loves spock: Pon farr ( /ˌpɒn ˈfɑr/) is an element of the fictional Star Trek universe that occurs in the canonical TV series and in fan fiction based upon the series.
kirk loves spock: Famous K\S sickbay scene from Motion Picture 1979
kirk loves spock: Famous K\S sickbay scene from Motion Picture 1979
kirk loves spock: This Side of Paradise ~ Slashy version
kirk loves spock: Kirk\Spock