BOB of the NORTH:
The world from Jada's perspective..
BOB of the NORTH:
My beauty in the morning light...
BOB of the NORTH:
psychadelic basement
BOB of the NORTH:
BOB of the NORTH:
Pellet stove.
BOB of the NORTH:
blues and hues
BOB of the NORTH:
hairy elbow
BOB of the NORTH:
The lady with the hair...
BOB of the NORTH:
Christmas Day Lunch
BOB of the NORTH:
Jada's Great Grandfather built this table.
BOB of the NORTH:
Dr. Destructo
BOB of the NORTH:
BOB of the NORTH:
also no title
BOB of the NORTH:
Don't touch my kid size milk!
BOB of the NORTH:
tippie toes
BOB of the NORTH:
Framing Dad
BOB of the NORTH:
no title
BOB of the NORTH:
Norfolk Pine
BOB of the NORTH:
BOB of the NORTH:
BOB of the NORTH:
rear view
BOB of the NORTH:
BOB of the NORTH:
My dad doing his pirate song and dance.
BOB of the NORTH:
straight down on the dog
BOB of the NORTH:
BOB of the NORTH:
New Yorker....Baby!
BOB of the NORTH:
Deep Dark?
BOB of the NORTH:
Charlie Brown Christmas in Laramie.