Mike S2: Burner
Mike S2: Balloon Interior
Mike S2: Take-off
Mike S2: One Red Balloon
Mike S2: Hatshepsut Temple
Mike S2: Road to Hatshepsut Temple
Mike S2: The Ramesseum
Mike S2: Seven Balloons
Mike S2: The Ramesseum mid-foreground with Valley of Nobles and Hatshepsut Temple in background
Mike S2: Collossi of Menmon
Mike S2: Two Balloons
Mike S2: Balloon
Mike S2: Sugar Cane
Mike S2: Sugar Cane 2
Mike S2: Medinat Habu
Mike S2: Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, Medinet Habu
Mike S2: Medinat Habu, Southern Aspect
Mike S2: Edge of Irrigation
Mike S2: Landing
Mike S2: Digger, Minibus
Mike S2: Morning Fires
Mike S2: Morning smoke, trees, sun
Mike S2: Kid, Donkey
Mike S2: Landing Crew and Bakseesh kids