gilly youner: on the platform
gilly youner: straight down
gilly youner: Carciano
gilly youner: isola
gilly youner: looming blue
gilly youner: iron trident
gilly youner: abandoned
gilly youner: villa russet
gilly youner: lake evening
gilly youner: lago
gilly youner: sunrise cove
gilly youner: afternoon on the balcony
gilly youner: aqua lures
gilly youner: up on the roof
gilly youner: islet
gilly youner: step into liquid
gilly youner: Palazzo
gilly youner: facade is in the details
gilly youner: weathered facade
gilly youner: jetty
gilly youner: horizontal blues
gilly youner: alley portrait
gilly youner: ceruleans
gilly youner: gate way
gilly youner: lakeview portal
gilly youner: spirale
gilly youner: the Priest's Chambers
gilly youner: priest's collection
gilly youner: a study
gilly youner: greened