gilly youner: palimpsest, bit of sky
gilly youner: faces up
gilly youner: Oxidizes
gilly youner: patched palimpsest
gilly youner: so there's this fire hydrant in kinvara
gilly youner: Anselm, where art thou?
gilly youner: deeply vined
gilly youner: bare the gates
gilly youner: Blue, Tracked
gilly youner: jointed & adjacent
gilly youner: through & through, corrugated
gilly youner: no escape
gilly youner: Ghosts of New York. History.
gilly youner: Ghosts of NY; Token Booth
gilly youner: Ron Haywood Jones Esq. Artist Extraordinaire, al-fresco Soho 2010-10-22
gilly youner: Blued and bled
gilly youner: palimpsest of windows, soho
gilly youner: Woody up in smoke, hallucination
gilly youner: Zim, decades later
gilly youner: Subway Interstice. [vers. Jim Dine]
gilly youner: element,all
gilly youner: KleinDineMine