gilly youner: the rally begins
gilly youner: all speakers ready
gilly youner: dddb and politics
gilly youner: signs at the rally
gilly youner: pre hearing rally
gilly youner: speakers listening to Wycoff gardens activist
gilly youner: Josh Skaller, Daniel Goldstein
gilly youner: Norman Siegel, Ron Schiffman
gilly youner: Ron Schiffman, Norman's back
gilly youner: Velmanette Montgomery
gilly youner: Daniel Goldstein and updated graphics
gilly youner: disbelieving crowd
gilly youner: get that guy...
gilly youner: no black hat on me....
gilly youner: ok, officer
gilly youner: Daniel escorted out
gilly youner: Tom, Claudia, Daniel
gilly youner: Scott, Claudia, Gloria