cpklove123: Homemade Valentines I made
cpklove123: Homemade Valentines I made
cpklove123: Homemade Valentines I made
cpklove123: Homemade Valentines I made
cpklove123: Homemade Valentines I made
cpklove123: Some new treasures minus the blanket
cpklove123: Magical sign from doller tree
cpklove123: Wet n wild nail polish from the doller tree
cpklove123: Della you bad girl you
cpklove123: Work days of the week Lip Smacker set
cpklove123: Yay I found these for almost half price
cpklove123: I got these from one of my Aunties Christmas Day
cpklove123: Penguin lippy pals limited edition Lip Smackers from my Auntie H it’s cool because I wanted them so bad and one of my other Aunties got me the panda ones for Christmas
cpklove123: We love our Blythe clothes and skate ornament!!!!
cpklove123: Thanks Auntie h
cpklove123: You even wrapped it like a candy how cool
cpklove123: Thanks
cpklove123: Lovely Christmas presents from my Lovely Auntie Heidi thanks so much everything was even wrapped so cute.
cpklove123: I love unicorns thanks Heidi she will also go great with my unicorn Blythe Celeste Grace