annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: the way of a man with a maid
annette62: gone for a soldier...
annette62: Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue.
annette62: son of a preacher man
annette62: alas, poor yorick...
annette62: a cast of thousands!
annette62: on stage
annette62: we three kings of orient are...
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: a dedicated follower of fashion
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: 'tis a far far better thing...
annette62: booted and spurred
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: gadzooks!
annette62: a cautionary tale
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: mr john martin harvey
annette62: it's that man again!
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: mean and moody
annette62: now children, chapter one of the master guide to over-acting...
annette62: perhaps a little on the camp side!
annette62: the breed of the treshams
annette62: he who would valiant be...
annette62: read, mark, learn and inwardly digest
annette62: mr martin harvey
annette62: mr martin harvey