Gmare: Sago Palm
Gmare: Sago Palm
Gmare: Sago Palm Center
Gmare: Sadie rounding the corner
Gmare: Waiting
Gmare: Sadie doin' her thing - Runnin"
Gmare: Beautiful to me
Gmare: Portulacas and Sadie
Gmare: Weathered pot
Gmare: Jack and Sadie
Gmare: Jack on deck
Gmare: Out of Place???
Gmare: Very Cool Day
Gmare: Jack
Gmare: One of Many!!
Gmare: November color of a different kind.
Gmare: Sadie loves a leaf bed
Gmare: Smells like .... Fall!!
Gmare: Sadie and Jack
Gmare: Jack
Gmare: Sadie
Gmare: Hobbes - A rare trip outside
Gmare: So Many Colors
Gmare: Backyard 2
Gmare: Backyard 3 - "FUN!"
Gmare: Backyard 1
Gmare: Some days are Gloomy...
Gmare: My new Knock-Out Rose!!
Gmare: Enjoying a beautiful day with my beautiful girl