Becky Wade: New dashboard
Becky Wade: Neons with my bright pink patent #domino #filofax #ohsnapaday @adamsfilo #plannerlove #planneraddicts
Nicki 979: Snow Village 2011
Nicki 979: Holiday Wreath 2011
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Plants & Pillows Patio
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Loft Bed/Bunkbeds
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Reading Tent & Book/Toy Storage
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Coloring Table & Shelves
kaceyandjohn: Ohdeedoh Contest
sewtakeahike: the storyteller
badskirt: Old Photos - grandmother's garden progress shots
:: Nova: pincushion for Abi x
DeeRoo G: Hexies hanging....soon on my wall!
xperimentl: Not too bad, only 100 more to go
Joan H. Callaway: Handsome Hexie Swap, Round Two
patchandi: Front
Jaybird Quilts: giant hexagon pillow
megsinri2010: Progress
badskirt: hexie front
scrapnchick: GFG progress 2-2012
xperimentl: My last 54 hexie flowers
balu51: Grandmother's Flower Garden
balu51: Grandmother's Flower Garden
sequinK: Echino Birdsong Baby Quilt -- back
twinfibers: Ruffle Quilt - crib