MaxT889: Fujifilm XC 50-230mm/F4.5-6.7 OIS - Can't resist the $155.50 (delivered) price for this lens
MaxT889: Testing Fujifilm XC 50-230mm/F4.5-6.7 OIS lens
MaxT889: A Coopers Hawk and its to-go dinner
MaxT889: We have a few drops of rain today
MaxT889: Happy family - L.A. Zoo
MaxT889: Spider web
MaxT889: After their babies have grown up, this couple still come back regularly for a quick snack.
MaxT889: Close call!!!
MaxT889: My most wanted
MaxT889: The early bird catches the worm
MaxT889: Coyote encounter
MaxT889: I have no idea how the ISO setting changed to 2500. Although the pix is noisy, it's too cute to let go.
MaxT889: One guava a day .......
MaxT889: Loyal customer
MaxT889: Another guava in the rain
MaxT889: Day moon