iThomasC: roof-top
iThomasC: 志位さん
iThomasC: 蒲田夜
iThomasC: Cooler
iThomasC: Sitting at a Dock on the Bay
iThomasC: Kojiya Matsuri 2011 3
iThomasC: Just Stop
iThomasC: evening light
iThomasC: side of the road
iThomasC: Intersection
iThomasC: green wall 2
iThomasC: night light
iThomasC: Meitetsu Red
iThomasC: Pigeons and Pedestrians
iThomasC: Hotel 123
iThomasC: 松本城 冬 2011/12
iThomasC: 天園ハイキングコース 1
iThomasC: Stump
iThomasC: 建長寺 1
iThomasC: hot day redux
iThomasC: 松本城
iThomasC: MN Corn 1
iThomasC: 毎日新聞
iThomasC: 松本 冬 2011/12 2
iThomasC: safety mirror and dramatic rainy-season skies
iThomasC: Bamboo
iThomasC: Dock-side factory
iThomasC: Goya
iThomasC: Rice...
iThomasC: Non-Intersecting Lines