tablazone: Focus On the Birding_041013_0723
tablazone: Gray Hawk with Attitude while Birding_041013_0787
tablazone: A look from the Acorn Woodpecker Birding_041013_0881
tablazone: Dont Be a Turkey Birding_041013_0807
tablazone: Lazuli-Buntings-and-friends-at-Patons-feeder-4-11-13
tablazone: All done Birding_041013_0825
tablazone: Broad in the Bill Birding_041113_0527
tablazone: Conflicted Birding_041113_0580
tablazone: The Table Laid - Birding_041113_0968
tablazone: Last Call for Lucifer - Birding_041113_0655
tablazone: Where are the guys - Birding_041213_0459
tablazone: Tiny Lemon - Birding_041213_0472
tablazone: Lucy in the Sky - Birding_041213_0493
tablazone: A whole other flock