Ron Coddington: Escorting Gen. Sherman on the "Silver Cloud"
Ron Coddington: Lost With His Entire Command On Egmont Key
Ron Coddington: He Received a Formal Thanks from Admiral Farragut
Ron Coddington: At Mobile Bay
Ron Coddington: Navy Lieutenant at Port Royal
Ron Coddington: A Massachusetts Master's Mate in the West Gulf Blockading Squadron
Ron Coddington: A Navy Man with Gumption
Ron Coddington: Death at Sea
Ron Coddington: On the USS Ossipee at Mobile Bay
Ron Coddington: Officer on the USS Augusta
Ron Coddington: Navy Man “Hyde”
Ron Coddington: Deep Sea Diver
Ron Coddington: “A Know Nothing & Good for Nothing”
Ron Coddington: Lost at the Battle of Mobile Bay
Ron Coddington: Recognized for Bravery at Mobile Bay
Ron Coddington: Running the Confederate Defenses of New Orleans
Ron Coddington: Escorting Texas Peace Commissioners, 1865
Ron Coddington: Officers of the “Narragansett”
Ron Coddington: Participated in the “Powder Boat” Affair
Ron Coddington: Influential Man Behind the Official Navy Civil War Records
Ron Coddington: Gen. Meade’s Nephew
Ron Coddington: Successful Steward
Ron Coddington: Stint on the Ill-Fated Naubuc
Ron Coddington: A Doctor on the “Miami”
Ron Coddington: The Day the War Stopped
Ron Coddington: Lieutenant on the "Constellation"
Ron Coddington: What Did Farragut Really Say at Mobile Bay?
Ron Coddington: A Future Governor’s Brother at Mobile Bay, 1864
Ron Coddington: One of the First Graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy
Ron Coddington: A Union Petty Officer