cindysueroche: IMG_2604
cindysueroche: IMG_2611
cindysueroche: IMG_2609
cindysueroche: IMG_2613
cindysueroche: Shaman statue with atlatl and spears
cindysueroche: Fate bell rock shelter
cindysueroche: Fate bell rock shelter
cindysueroche: walking to Fate bell rock shelter
cindysueroche: spitting squirrel
cindysueroche: limestome eroded by wind and sand
cindysueroche: soot blackened ceiling
cindysueroche: recent (within past 1000 years) pictograph
cindysueroche: work station rock
cindysueroche: pietroglyphs with square compass glyph
cindysueroche: square compass pietroglyph -
cindysueroche: remains of earth ovens
cindysueroche: remains of earth ovens
cindysueroche: remains of sotol mats
cindysueroche: pictograph at burial area
cindysueroche: very detailed pictograph
cindysueroche: IMG_2634
cindysueroche: rare white pictograph
cindysueroche: rare white pictograph
cindysueroche: burial area with pictographs
cindysueroche: pictograph - people in circle
cindysueroche: pictograph - people in a circle
cindysueroche: seahell fossils
cindysueroche: grinding rock