iksose7: Altair Astro 115EDT
iksose7: Altair Astro 115EDT
iksose7: Altair Astro 115EDT
iksose7: Altair Astro 115EDT
iksose7: Altair Astro 115EDT
iksose7: AA115EDT First Light (kind of)
iksose7: M13 - The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules
iksose7: Moon 17th July
iksose7: LDN 673 - Work in Progress
iksose7: LDN 673 - Where Stars Are Born
iksose7: The Fireworks Galaxy Widefield
iksose7: NGC 6914
iksose7: Saturn and Moon Conjunction
iksose7: Scope and Clouds HDR
iksose7: NGC 281 - The Pacman Nebula
iksose7: C/2014 E2 (Jacques)
iksose7: Comet Jacques
iksose7: M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
iksose7: Piggyback
iksose7: Oak Mounting Plate
iksose7: M39 - Open Star Cluster in Cygnus
iksose7: Crescent Moon
iksose7: A Galactic Bubble
iksose7: M74 - A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy
iksose7: Deep Sky Imaging Rig 2014
iksose7: Winter is Coming Labelled
iksose7: Winter is Coming
iksose7: M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy (Collaboration)
iksose7: M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy
iksose7: Frost at Sunrise