eject142: Setup
eject142: Lists
eject142: Mike and Mahlon Prep
eject142: Non-wine drinks
eject142: Some Cups
eject142: Some Wine
eject142: More Cups
eject142: Butter!
eject142: Mushrooms, diced mushrooms, bread crumbs
eject142: Prep
eject142: More Prep
eject142: Mike Prepares Stuffing
eject142: Mushrooms
eject142: Mike is serious about wine
eject142: More Butter!
eject142: He added another stick later
eject142: Stinky foot cheese
eject142: Sliced Eggplant
eject142: Eggplant prepping station
eject142: Shallots
eject142: Eggplant + Flour + Egg
eject142: Eggplant + Flour + Egg + Asiago + Bread Crumbs
eject142: Three of the Five Bries
eject142: Sarah, Adi, Gabe
eject142: Michael, Lorelei, Joe, Eric
eject142: Mahlon, Althea
eject142: Still bright enough for no flash
eject142: Careful with that wine kids
eject142: Thomas, Anna
eject142: Anna drinking