Ch902: Primula
Ch902: IMG_0013
Ch902: Княжик (Atragene sibirica)
Ch902: Голубь
Ch902: Нарциссы
Ch902: Viola
Ch902: _MG_0155
Ch902: Букет нарциссов (Bouquet of narcissuses)
Ch902: IMG_0128
Ch902: Белка - squirrel
Ch902: Two squirrels (две белки)
Ch902: _MG_0016
Ch902: _MG_0019
Ch902: Squirrel with the cone
Ch902: _MG_0210
Ch902: Blueberry
Ch902: Spider
Ch902: _MG_0230
Ch902: Camomiles
Ch902: Peony (Paeónia)
Ch902: The scarlet sails
Ch902: One of three hundred rivers flowing into Lake Baikal
Ch902: Taiga
Ch902: _MG_0673
Ch902: _MG_0582
Ch902: _MG_0491
Ch902: _MG_0483
Ch902: Where the sky merges with water ...
Ch902: The Circum-Baikal Railway - tunnel
Ch902: _MG_0635