faustfatale: A Scotsman in Hollywood
faustfatale: On the Body Snatchers Bridge
faustfatale: Russel Above the 101
faustfatale: Russel Overlooking Porn Valley
faustfatale: Russel at the Alto Nido Apartments
faustfatale: Me at the Alto Nido Apartments
faustfatale: Russel on the Batcave Side of Bronson Cave
faustfatale: Russel Inside Bronson Cave
faustfatale: Russel on the Monster Side of Bronson Cave
faustfatale: Faust Conquered the World
faustfatale: Russel in Bronson Canyon
faustfatale: Russel at Musso and Frank
faustfatale: Phillip Marlowe's Office
faustfatale: Russel in the Doorway to Marlowe's Office
faustfatale: Russel with Fred MacMurray's Star
faustfatale: Russel at the St Moritz Hotel
faustfatale: Russel at the "KRDK" building
faustfatale: Russel (left) with James Dean
faustfatale: Russel at Griffith Observatory
faustfatale: Russel (left) with Los Angeles
faustfatale: Russel (right) and Knuckles
faustfatale: Russel's Reaction to Sex Ed for Trainables
faustfatale: Russel's other reaction to Sex Ed for Trainables
faustfatale: Twinkies Waiting to be Deep Fried
faustfatale: Lisa Batters the Twinkies
faustfatale: Adam Dipping the Twinkies
faustfatale: Deep Fried Twinkies
faustfatale: Home Made Bacon Ice Cream
faustfatale: Russel Plans Future Bypass Surgery
faustfatale: Russel Eats a Deep Fried Twinkie