faustfatale: At the Edgar Awards
faustfatale: My Edgar Dress
faustfatale: Charles, Looking Sharp at the Edgars
faustfatale: Me and My Hunky Escort
faustfatale: w/ Cornelia Read
faustfatale: Cornelia Read and I Compare Footwear
faustfatale: Cornelia Read's Hot Boots
faustfatale: w/ Les Klinger and Reed Farrel Coleman
faustfatale: w/ Sean Chercover
faustfatale: Laura Lippman's Gorgeous Shoes
faustfatale: w/ Laura Lippman
faustfatale: Comparing Shoes w/ Laura Lippman
faustfatale: w/ Donna Bagdasarian
faustfatale: w/ Declan Hughes
faustfatale: w/ Sarah Weinman
faustfatale: w/ Meg Gardiner
faustfatale: w/ Megan Abbott, in the hotel bar after the banquet
faustfatale: w/ Tasha Alexander at Otto's Afterparty