poacher rtd:
Magdalen tower and trees reflected in Christchurch Floods, Oxford.... Explored 11.02.14. Thank you.
poacher rtd:
Red Kite, Watlington, reworked. Explored 20.02.14. Thank you.
poacher rtd:
Marbled white. Explored 29.06.14 Thank you all.
poacher rtd:
Skipper. Explored 08.07.14 Thanks all
poacher rtd:
Peacock, Brasenose woods Oxford. Explored 21.07.14 Thank you everyone
poacher rtd:
Peacock, reworked. Explored 24.07.14 Thank you everyone.
poacher rtd:
Silver washed fritillary. These butterflies never sit still very long they can be difficult to photograph. Explored 27.07.14. Thank you everyone.
poacher rtd:
Marbled white, Brasenose woods Oxford. Explored Oct 16, 2014 thank you all
poacher rtd:
Fungi, brasenose woods Oxford. Explored 24.10.2014, thank you all.
poacher rtd:
Another male orange tip on garlic mustard, brasenose woods, Oxford. Explored 23.04 15, thank you everyone.
poacher rtd:
Male common blue, brasenose woods Oxford. Explored 06.08.2015, thank you all.
poacher rtd:
male Common blue, brasenose woods Oxford. Explored 22.08. 2015, thank you all