3 Ducks: Magic Spiral
3 Ducks: Magic Valve
3 Ducks: Magic Hat
3 Ducks: Magic Tower
3 Ducks: Tree Knot
3 Ducks: Gnarled Tree
3 Ducks: Wind Through the Hair
3 Ducks: Ruffled
3 Ducks: Frolic
3 Ducks: The Hills Are Alive!
3 Ducks: Peeking
3 Ducks: Heads Plus One
3 Ducks: Heads
3 Ducks: Feeding the Donkey
3 Ducks: Goat, Munching
3 Ducks: Goat, Climbing
3 Ducks: Llama, Snoozing
3 Ducks: Goat, Posing
3 Ducks: Spring Lambs
3 Ducks: Walking the Plank
3 Ducks: One Small Step for a Chicken
3 Ducks: Up the Plank
3 Ducks: Foal
3 Ducks: Horse in Recline
3 Ducks: Rooster 2
3 Ducks: Rooster 1
3 Ducks: Chickens in the Coop
3 Ducks: Sneaking Up
3 Ducks: Rooster Crowing
3 Ducks: Faces