7stars: two tickets to brighton
7stars: cappuccino in the lanes
7stars: the beach
7stars: goths and mum and dad
7stars: mine's a 99
7stars: relax, take up an easy chair
7stars: all beach necessities here
7stars: or eat
7stars: deckchair hire ladies
7stars: some ronaldinho magic
7stars: the saddest thing
7stars: a happy thing
7stars: the ugly side
7stars: saving us
7stars: shade us
7stars: papa
7stars: important walking
7stars: i'm in
7stars: family
7stars: lovers
7stars: chilling
7stars: all by myself
7stars: brighton, lovely brighton
7stars: go on
7stars: we're safe
7stars: mirror mirror
7stars: brothers
7stars: say cheeese