cpc1946: grouse early in the blue morning light 11222013 65557 AM
cpc1946: grouse at the ontario feeeder 11212013 32859 PM
cpc1946: flicker 11212013 32323 PM
cpc1946: downy woodpecker 11212013 15300 PM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 11202013 13155 PM
cpc1946: red bellied wookpecker 11202013 13059 PM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 11192013 111432 AM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 11192013 112400 AM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 11192013 112346 AM
cpc1946: sparrow on suet 11182013 41758 PM
cpc1946: fliker spent more time chasing off the lil birds than eating!! 11182013 31738 PM
cpc1946: fliker,would rather have seeds11182013 32104 PM
cpc1946: notice the red on his wings? red shafted northern flicker 11182013 32134 PM
cpc1946: fliker 11182013 32209 PM
cpc1946: downey woodpecker on suet 11182013 34546 PM
cpc1946: guess who likes the peanut butter! 11182013 94016 AM
cpc1946: some of the goldfinches 11142013 15753 PM
cpc1946: downy or hairy woodpecker 11142013 15312 PM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 11142013 15404 PM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 11122013 25106 PM
cpc1946: how many goldfinches??/ 11122013 123141 PM
cpc1946: lots of finches 11122013 95513 AM
cpc1946: flicker on suet 11102013 10909 PM
cpc1946: have a peanut or two!! 1112013 112620 AM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 1112013 101544 AM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 10312013 102948 AM
cpc1946: stellers jay 10302013 15619 PM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 1112013 100458 AM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 10232013 44018 PM
cpc1946: Fullscreen capture 10232013 44245 PM