Blutography: Heimdall Pole
Blutography: Syn pole
Blutography: Charging the base of the god pole
Blutography: IMG_1680
Blutography: The entrance
Blutography: Rick carving
Blutography: IMG_1739
Blutography: Midsummer 2027 - A.K.N.A
Blutography: Midsummer 2017 - A.K.N.A.
Blutography: Magpie Morris
Blutography: Green man 2017
Blutography: Odin's Ravens encampment at the 2017 Edmonton Beltaine Fair
Blutography: Edmonton Magpie Morris Dancers at the 2017 Edmonton Beltaine sunrise
Blutography: boa 3
Blutography: IMG_1540 Crt
Blutography: P8070490
Blutography: IMG_1732
Blutography: Ludus Sanguni
Blutography: Krampus made a visit
Blutography: Ferrebral
Blutography: IMG_1665
Blutography: IMG_1664
Blutography: IMG_1663
Blutography: IMG_1662
Blutography: Ancient Arts Academy
Blutography: For Viðarr
Blutography: A sacrifice of leather
Blutography: Lether for Viðarr
Blutography: Farrie rings around the blot pit
Blutography: Har's Hall members and guests enjoying frith