National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 本中心鄭副主任彩堂主持會議情形
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 日治時期地籍圖修測及圖解法重測地籍圖展示
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 內政部地政司陳科長杰宗蒞臨指導
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 行政院交通及環境資源處涂科長靜妮蒞臨指導
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 溫委員豐文發言情形
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 江委員渾欽發言情形
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 李委員文聖發言情形
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 張委員東欣發言情形
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 林委員輝雄發言情形
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center: 蘇委員文俊發言情形