goodeye03 (Rich): USS John D. Ford
goodeye03 (Rich): Ships log
goodeye03 (Rich): Ships Log
goodeye03 (Rich): USO Dance
goodeye03 (Rich): Dad_0003.tif
goodeye03 (Rich): USS Sicard
goodeye03 (Rich): Rex_0008.tif-1
goodeye03 (Rich): USS John D. Ford
goodeye03 (Rich): Destroyer Escorts
goodeye03 (Rich): Not sure what country this is.
goodeye03 (Rich): The Dames
goodeye03 (Rich): Puerto Rico
goodeye03 (Rich): Crew / gun
goodeye03 (Rich): Equator Crossing
goodeye03 (Rich): USS Paul Jones
goodeye03 (Rich): Different ships
goodeye03 (Rich): Casablanca
goodeye03 (Rich): Professional Portraits in Casablanca
goodeye03 (Rich): SP's and signalmen
goodeye03 (Rich): Moroccoan Money.
goodeye03 (Rich): Gibralter
goodeye03 (Rich): A Must Read, the little article
goodeye03 (Rich): Dad_0006.tif
goodeye03 (Rich): Crew of USS John D. Ford
goodeye03 (Rich): Thank A Veteran Today...
goodeye03 (Rich): To All The Veterans in America