goodeye03 (Rich): Hanging On For Dear Life
goodeye03 (Rich): Dancing In The Dark
goodeye03 (Rich): I have a dim view of this place..Now
goodeye03 (Rich): The Stretch
goodeye03 (Rich): Behind the scene
goodeye03 (Rich): This Is Fun....
goodeye03 (Rich): This Isn't Fun.....
goodeye03 (Rich): Not liking this one bit
goodeye03 (Rich): East view
goodeye03 (Rich): After the storm had past.
goodeye03 (Rich): Lots came out to see what could be seen on the beach. Nothing really
goodeye03 (Rich): Not so straight and narrow
goodeye03 (Rich): To The Rescue,Hurricane Irene
goodeye03 (Rich): Gone, But won't be forgotten.
goodeye03 (Rich): It was a beautiful tree
goodeye03 (Rich): It was a Huge tree
goodeye03 (Rich): Something has eaten the core
goodeye03 (Rich): What a Shame
goodeye03 (Rich): Heading Out On A Call
goodeye03 (Rich): I won this time.
goodeye03 (Rich): Sharpshooter
goodeye03 (Rich): My Dart Partner
goodeye03 (Rich): End of the line
goodeye03 (Rich): Pointing them out
goodeye03 (Rich): She's Got Guns