goodeye03 (Rich): Turning On The Lights
goodeye03 (Rich): To The Rescue
goodeye03 (Rich): To The Rescue
goodeye03 (Rich): To The Rescue
goodeye03 (Rich): Keeping It Clean
goodeye03 (Rich): Shoving Slush
goodeye03 (Rich): All Quiet
goodeye03 (Rich): Sad Day In America..
goodeye03 (Rich): Sno' Cones Pt 2
goodeye03 (Rich): Resting...
goodeye03 (Rich): Not Much Business Today
goodeye03 (Rich): Ready for Battle
goodeye03 (Rich): Willard Elementry School
goodeye03 (Rich): Still Busy
goodeye03 (Rich): I Hate Winter
goodeye03 (Rich): Don't know why
goodeye03 (Rich): How I Feel
goodeye03 (Rich): Go Large and Read the Headline
goodeye03 (Rich): I Hate Winter/ Black Ice
goodeye03 (Rich): All kinds of roofs have collapse, schools and business and homes. Thankfully we had some warmer days this week and it seems that they have stopped at 147 falling down.
goodeye03 (Rich): Sandy Comes to Town
goodeye03 (Rich): Snow Blower
goodeye03 (Rich): Making of a mountain.
goodeye03 (Rich): What are you looking at?
goodeye03 (Rich): Quincy Bay/Boston Harbor
goodeye03 (Rich): Someday it might float away