goodeye03 (Rich): Jamaica Will Make You Smile
goodeye03 (Rich): Heading Home
goodeye03 (Rich): Quiet Ride
goodeye03 (Rich): Contemplating
goodeye03 (Rich): For Your Convenience
goodeye03 (Rich): The Bushman and Sherman
goodeye03 (Rich): The Bushman and Sherman
goodeye03 (Rich): Great couple from Holland
goodeye03 (Rich): After The Rain
goodeye03 (Rich): Nice Rain Storm
goodeye03 (Rich): Just Having Fun
goodeye03 (Rich): Washed Out
goodeye03 (Rich): I tried to teach a couple of people how to sail
goodeye03 (Rich): Amazing How It Works
goodeye03 (Rich): Always Liked Wing Shots
goodeye03 (Rich): Couldn't have shot without him..
goodeye03 (Rich): Great view
goodeye03 (Rich): Nice Place
goodeye03 (Rich): Self Propelled Lawn Mower
goodeye03 (Rich): Nice Yard
goodeye03 (Rich): Wish I had the time for a ride
goodeye03 (Rich): Nice River
goodeye03 (Rich): Nice River
goodeye03 (Rich): Waiting on a friend
goodeye03 (Rich): Port of Savana le Mar