tmaryso43: 2 African Sea Eagle b
tmaryso43: 3 African Sea Eagle
tmaryso43: Black-crowned Night Heron PP
tmaryso43: Blacksmith Lapwing Plover PP 11-28-2012
tmaryso43: Crested Barbet at Djuma
tmaryso43: Crested Barbet- at Djuma Waterhole
tmaryso43: Djuma 11-12-2012 ??
tmaryso43: Egyptian Goose (Guck) at Djuma
tmaryso43: fish caught and eaten
tmaryso43: Fish Eagel?
tmaryso43: Giant Eagle Owl at Pete's Pond
tmaryso43: going after the fish
tmaryso43: Grey Heron on PP 12-2-2012
tmaryso43: Hamerkop
tmaryso43: Hamerkop Djuma
tmaryso43: Heron on Pete's Pond resting on knees
tmaryso43: Hornbill on Djuma 10-31-2012
tmaryso43: Juvenile Martial Eagle at Pete's Pond
tmaryso43: Kori Bustard
tmaryso43: Laughing Doves at Pete's Pond
tmaryso43: Laughing Doves at Pete's Pond 11-13-2012
tmaryso43: Male and female Egyptian Geese
tmaryso43: Martial Eagle Juvie
tmaryso43: Martial Eagle Juvie 2
tmaryso43: Mindy on Pete's Pond 11-9-2012
tmaryso43: New GQ's on Djuma
tmaryso43: Ostrich at Pete's Pond
tmaryso43: Ostrich= Pete's Pond
tmaryso43: Pete's Pond 11-6-2012
tmaryso43: Pete's Pond Black Crake with dragonfly