Fastquez: Freedom Tower 2012
Fastquez: Freedom Tower 2012
Fastquez: Cuban food with the work peeps!
Fastquez: God?
Fastquez: The plaids.
Fastquez: The sweaters.
Fastquez: Smiles :)
Fastquez: Sung-hee joins in the fun!
Fastquez: Creepy...all around.
Fastquez: Vineet meets Eric
Fastquez: Umm...ok?
Fastquez: Always ready.
Fastquez: Jenna...stunning.
Fastquez: lovers
Fastquez: xoxo
Fastquez: ok, let's go!!!
Fastquez: Tom looks like he hasn't slept in 24 hours...oh wait, he HADN'T!
Fastquez: Es Que Mo.
Fastquez: Group Shot Part I
Fastquez: Group Shot Part II
Fastquez: Ryan falling from yet ANOTHER chair.
Fastquez: umm...ok?
Fastquez: Sir, want to come up here with me?? No.
Fastquez: Table surfing
Fastquez: Gigolos
Fastquez: Waitress
Fastquez: I ain't got nobooooody
Fastquez: January 2012