Fastquez: For Kai :)
Fastquez: Kai: "step back, I got this"
Fastquez: Mr. Burkhardt: "are you sure?"
Fastquez: this smelled AMAZING
Fastquez: the Iron Chef
Fastquez: Rare
Fastquez: My Kai Kai!
Fastquez: Christmas
Fastquez: Christmas
Fastquez: 5 Stars all the way
Fastquez: My setting.
Fastquez: The perfect host!
Fastquez: Almost ready?
Fastquez: Ready yet??
Fastquez: ok, let's eat!
Fastquez: Barefoot Contessa's carrot cake...OMG. YES
Fastquez: Its all about the presentation.
Fastquez: I want this bottle.
Fastquez: Salt and Pepper Peacocks!
Fastquez: Iron Chef II
Fastquez: Iced.
Fastquez: (not) Cheese (cake)!
Fastquez: I want one of these RIGHT NOW.
Fastquez: She even entertains!
Fastquez: No idea what this is, but I love it. LOL
Fastquez: Merry Christmas from the Burkhardts!
Fastquez: VIDEO: Christmas dinner.