Fastquez: Lady Gobble Gobble - Made by ME at the Duplex! :)
Fastquez: Its always sunny on the way to Albany!
Fastquez: My mom holding on to me...hard.
Fastquez: Prepping the bird!
Fastquez: Thanksgiving 2011
Fastquez: Turkey's Beware
Fastquez: Out of the world chicken soup...
Fastquez: Yogi Love...
Fastquez: More Yogi love...
Fastquez: TJ love?
Fastquez: Dessert
Fastquez: Thanksgiving 2011
Fastquez: The Newlyweds
Fastquez: A gift from Josh and Sahar from Ecuador!
Fastquez: Welcoming our new family member...
Fastquez: Love is in the air.
Fastquez: Fill'r up!
Fastquez: Cheers!!
Fastquez: Its glitter time!
Fastquez: Glitter 101
Fastquez: Done! Let's go out!
Fastquez: Thanksgiving 2011
Fastquez: Gaga-fied
Fastquez: Gaga-fied
Fastquez: Breakfast!
Fastquez: Clams for da soup!
Fastquez: Bed head.
Fastquez: Bed head.
Fastquez: 4 hours from here there will be an entire finished Thanksgiving dinner!