Fastquez: Halloween 2011 (Jem, Raja & Rio)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011 (Jem, Raja & Rio)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011 (Jem, Raja & Rio)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011 (Jem, Raja & Rio)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011 (Jem, Raja & Rio)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011 (Jem, Raja & Rio)
Fastquez: The end. :-)
Fastquez: Party at the Magnet Theatre!
Fastquez: "What? This is YOUR beer? Eh, I don't give a crop."
Fastquez: "oh look, honey. that hotel put up a fake scarecrow." OH WAIT.
Fastquez: Crazy eye.
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: "I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Devil"
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: Freakin' scarrry!
Fastquez: Fans.
Fastquez: ala Freddy Krueger
Fastquez: The survivors... :)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: Well, look who finally finished walking the parade! About 1 hour after us!
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: "I wear my sunglasses at night...."
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: First base. :-)
Fastquez: Hello ladies...
Fastquez: Boo. Dude.
Fastquez: Hi, I'm 12. (lol)
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: Halloween 2011
Fastquez: Chattin' & Chewin'