Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: clean, sober, tanless
Fastquez: full bar.
Fastquez: All aboard!
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: windy
Fastquez: the welcome crew
Fastquez: umm...yeah.
Fastquez: our spot on the beach!
Fastquez: the couple behind us had the cutest dog!
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: rough seas
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: before. during. after.
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: this i'll try to remember in March.
Fastquez: Indian Summer Mix & Red Bull...breakfast of champions.
Fastquez: tanned.
Fastquez: art (?) ;-)
Fastquez: she sells...
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: these were DEADLY (and $12)
Fastquez: Fire Island 2011
Fastquez: the bartender with the magic touch!
Fastquez: the locals.
Fastquez: sittin on the docks
Fastquez: buzzed...