Fastquez: Metro-North
Fastquez: Sophie!
Fastquez: Sasha!
Fastquez: my ride! :)
Fastquez: gotta have the crumbs!
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: umm...this is not right?
Fastquez: Dylan...the little man.
Fastquez: Ryan ...and his belly.
Fastquez: hi Josie!
Fastquez: gotta protect that skull!
Fastquez: Ave!
Fastquez: Brendan's magic wizard card thingy
Fastquez: The Munchkin Game (courtesy of Avery)
Fastquez: "let me out!"
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: attention to me!
Fastquez: ruthie and the sprinkler
Fastquez: Pool babies!
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: counting stairs
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011
Fastquez: Erica REALLY likes hotdogs.
Fastquez: 164/Siena Reunion 2011