Fastquez: bobblehead present for Eric...
Fastquez: present for Adelina!
Fastquez: Adelina!
Fastquez: "what are you doing there Chwis??"
Fastquez: Cheeseburger Santa Claus!
Fastquez: fork-get-about-it!
Fastquez: mommy and baby! :)
Fastquez: present from Lisa!
Fastquez: "you got a present for ME??!!"
Fastquez: she loves her fries!
Fastquez: suddenly shy... :)
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: "you're silly"
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: happy girl!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: elmo purse from the Bahamas!
Fastquez: "thanks Chris and Eric!" :)
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: my girl.
Fastquez: Christmas 2010!
Fastquez: my family.
Fastquez: just a little something for Lisa. :)