Fastquez: and we're off...
Fastquez: JFK Airport...not as bad as we thought!
Fastquez: Mr & Mr
Fastquez: "come on chris are you really going to shoot everything?"
Fastquez: yes.
Fastquez: facial at the airport...amazing.
Fastquez: my anniversary puzzle gift from eric! :)
Fastquez: put the pieces together...hmmm.... :)
Fastquez: yes, this is how a dancer relaxes.
Fastquez: our plane
Fastquez: our plane
Fastquez: cheers (while we wait to board)
Fastquez: love me some kendall J
Fastquez: we're in!
Fastquez: tv and remote
Fastquez: cool as ice
Fastquez: ec snaps a shot
Fastquez: the sortie
Fastquez: way in the back of the plane and loving it.
Fastquez: did you know they have live shots from the tail of the plane...awesome!
Fastquez: zzz...already!
Fastquez: dinner
Fastquez: breakfast
Fastquez: downstairs
Fastquez: Paris 2010
Fastquez: Paris 2010
Fastquez: drugs are bad...mmm-kay?
Fastquez: live shot
Fastquez: zzz zzz
Fastquez: the doctor is IN!